
Showing posts from June, 2024

Ramblings of a Folk Witch...

   Hello Gemini Season! Mercury enters Gemini on the 3rd  as we enter June,  and we will start to feel the fast - paced   Mercury inject ing  us with a much - needed dose of optimism.  This energy will be heightened as Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, enters Gemini and will remain there until June 9, 2025. The last time that this energy was in the air was in 2013. So, think back on that timeline. What was happening to you then? Also, this month, expect to experience success with new ideas, exciting new connections, collaborations and creativity opportunities, especially in your local neighbourhood. Mercury, the messenger of the Gods ,  is moving into the sign of Gemini with a first in our lifetime  with  Pluto, as he also conjuncts Jupiter. Mercury also makes a  trine  to the nodes of fate  and a square to Neptune. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is in exact conjunction with the Sun, called a Venus Cazimi. In the 'heart of the Sun,' Venus is purified and reborn.